序号 | 姓名 | 奖励项目名称 | 刊物(名称、时间、期号) 奖励(名称、时间) | 刊物级别或奖励等级 |
1 | 魏先彪 | Solubility of finite generalized Frobenius groups with the kernel of odd index | Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis, 2020 Vol.55(1). | SCI,3区 |
2 | 李启朗 | A new cellular automata traffic flow model considering asynchronous update of vehicle velocity | International Journal of Modern Physics C, 31(12), 2050167, 2020 | SCI,JCR四区,4级 |
A simple cellular automaton model with dual cruise-control limit in the framework of Kerner's three-phase traffic theory | Physica A: Statal Mechanics and its Applications, 559,125075, 2020 | SCI,JCR二区,3级 | ||
3 | 赵妮 | Sliding Mode Control for Robust Consensus of General Linear Uncertain Multi-agent Systems | International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems (IJCAS) | SCI,3区 |
4 | 闫林丽 | 基于慧眼-HXMT观测研究脉冲星X射线辐射特征演化 | 国家自然科学基金-子课题 | 国家级项目奖励72000*10% |
5 | 黄凤 | An Improved Heterogeneous Mean-Field Theory for the Ising Model on Complex Networks | Communications in Theoretical Physics,2019, Vol.71 No.12 | SCI |
6 | 袁健 | On the depth spectrum of repeated-root constacyclic codes over finite chain rings | Discrete Mathematics,2020,Vol 342,No. 2 | SCI |
7 | 邓燕 | Determining second-harmonic generation of | Journal of Physics B: | SCI |
8 | 谭莹莹 | A spectral characterization of the s-clique extension of the triangular graphs | Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Thory,40(2020):663-676. | SCI |
9 | 黄凯 | Synthesis and characterizations of magnesium and titanium doped M-type barium calcium hexaferrites by a solid state reaction method |
| SCI (一区收录期刊论文) |
10 | 刘华勇 | 三次DP曲线定义区间的扩展及其形状优化 | 浙江大学学报(理学版), 2020, 47(2): 178-190 | CSCD-C |
三参曲线光滑融合的构造及参数的优化 | 图学学报,2020,41(05):725-732. | CSCD-C | ||
11 | 张莉 | All chemical solution deposition of epitaxial porous BiFe0.93Mn0.07O3 thin films | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics、2020、31(17404-17411) | SCI(中科院JCR3区) |
12 | 王菊香 | On the Distribution of p-Error Linear Complexity of p-Ary | IEICE TRANS. INF. & SYST,VOL.E102–D, NO.12 ,DECEMBER 2019: 2595-2598. | SCI四区 |
13 | 张学勇 | Research on Noise Reduction Scheme of Heat Pump Unit in a Square. | Journal of Chemistry 2020:1237034 | SCI |
14 | 郭冬 | 多附加权重约束背景下基于博弈视角的电子政务绩效评价研究 | 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目20YJC630029 | 80000*10% |
多附加权重约束背景下基于博弈视角的绩效评价研究 | 安徽省自然科学基金项目2008085MG228 | 120000*10% | ||
An Integrated Slacks-Based Measure of Super-Efficiency with Input Saving and Output Surplus Scaling Factors and its Application in Paper Chemical Mills | Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 2020:1-10. | SCI | ||
15 | 曹宗宏 | Channel Selection Strategy for a Retailer with Finance | Complexity,2020,6231427 | SCI,中科院2区 |
16 | 张家精 | 基于张量分解和深度学习的混合推荐算法 | 南京大学学报(自然科学版),2019.11,59(6) | CSCD核心收录(6级) |
17 | 刘家保 | Fractional Metric Dimension of Generalized Jahangir Graph | mathematics, 2019, Vol. 7, No.1 | ESI |
On the generalized adjacency, Laplacian and signless Laplacian | Physica A,2020,Vol.540,No.1 | ESI | ||
Valency-Based Topological Descriptors and Structural | Journal of Statistical Physics, 2020, Vol. 177, No. 6 | ESI | ||
18 | 闵杰 | 带有随机订货点的两阶段报童模型 | 运筹与管理, 2020, 29 (04) | CSCD-C |
19 | 尤玉伟 | Interplay of solute-mixed self-interstitial | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2020,Vol. 59, 026002 | SCI,中科院二区 |
20 | 王国栋 | A new modified Local Lax–Friedrichs scheme for scalar conservation laws with discontinuous flux | Applied Mathematics Letters,2020, Vol. 105 | 2级(中科院SCI一区) |
The resonance behavior for the coupling of two Aw-Rascle traffic models | Advances in Difference Equations,2020, Vol.2020 | 4级(中科院SCI三区) | ||
21 | 李平 | First-Principles Prediction of a New Family of Layered Topological Insulators | Advanced Quantum Technologies 2019, 2: 1900033 | EI收录 |
发布时间: 2021-07-23 浏览次数: 1867