发布时间: 2024-03-11 浏览次数: 900

姓   名:陈星

职   称:特任副研究员

职   务:


邮   箱:15705610332@163.com






1.安徽省高校协同创新项目 煤基固废井下注充材料研发及重金属迁移钝化机理(GXXT-2021-017) 参与

2.安徽省高等mg电子游戏官网_mg老虎机游戏-电玩城下载自然科学研究重点项目煤矿区地表水-非饱和带水-地下水系统中硫酸盐来源与迁移转化研究(KJ2021A0085) 参与

3.国家自然科学基金面上项目两淮煤田深部煤层有害微量元素赋存特征与地球化学成因研究 (42072201) 参与


1Chen, X., Zheng, L.G., Jiang, C.L., et al., 2019. Using δ34S-SO4 and δ18O-SO4 to trace the sources of sulphate in different types of surface water from the Linhuan coal-mining subsidence area of Huaibei, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 181, 231-240.

2Chen, X., Zheng, L.G., Dong, X.L., et al., 2020. Sources and mixing of sulfate contamination in the water environment of a typical coal mining city, China: evidence from stable isotope characteristics. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 42(7), 2867-2879.

3Chen, X., Jiang, C.L., Zheng, L.G., et al., 2020. Identification of nitrate sources and transformations in basin using dual isotopes and hydrochemistry combined with a Bayesian mixing model: Application in a typical mining city. Environmental Pollution. 267, 115651.

4Chen, X., Jiang, C.L., Zheng, L.G., et al., 2021. Evaluating the genesis and dominant processes of groundwater salinization by using hydrochemistry and multiple isotopes in a mining city. Environmental Pollution. 283, 117381.

5Chen, X., Zheng, L.G., Jiang, C.L., et al., 2021. The transformation of minerals at the boundary of magma - coal contact zone: Case study from Wolonghu coal mine, Huaibei coalfield, China. International Journal of Coal Science & Technology. 8(1), 168-175.

6Chen, X., Zheng, L.G., Liu, S.K., et al., 2022. Mercury in sediment reflecting the intensive coal mining activities: Evidence from stable mercury isotopes and Bayesian mixing model analysis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 234, 113392.

7Chen, X., Zheng, L.G., Jiang, C.L., et al., 2023. Quantitative identification of nitrate and sulfate sources of a multiple land-use area impacted by mine drainage. Journal of Environmental Management. 325, 116551.

8Chen, X., Tang, Z., Li, G.L., et al., 2023. Revealing the Role of Coal Gangue Biochar Composite for Removing SO42? from Water: Adsorption Mechanisms and Application Effects. Minerals.13, 1290.

9Chen, X., Tang, Z., Li, G.L., et al., 2024. Tracing sulfate sources and transformations of surface water using multiple isotopes in a mining-rural-urban agglomeration area. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 296, 115805.

10Chen, X., Ren, M.X., Li, G.L., et al., 2024. Identification of nitrate accumulation mechanism of surface water in a mining-rural-urban agglomeration area based on multiple isotopic evidence. Science of the Total Environment. 912, 169123.