发布时间: 2021-03-16 浏览次数: 1241

姓   名:宋康

职   称:研究员,博士生导师

职   务:实验室主任


邮   箱:sk@ihb.ac.cn

  1. 基本情况

博士,研究员,博士生导师,中科院水生所水环境工程研究中心 应用微生物与水质净化学科组组长。2015 年获日本国立东京农工大学工学博士学位,201510月于澳大利亚昆士兰大学高级水管理中心交流访问半年,2016年至2017年,在日本东京农工大学任助教。  2017年经中国科学院国外杰出人才计划引进到水生所工作,并通过了中科院海外人才计划择优支持。共发表论文78篇,在 EST, Water  Research等环境类知名期刊发表SCI论文70余篇,其中近5年来以第一 或通讯作者发表 SCI 论文55篇,平均影响因子>6 JCR Q1 50 篇,中科院一区25篇。长期担任 WREPJCPJHMSTOTENChemosphereFront Microbiol 等十余种SCI期刊审稿人。目前担任 Frontiers in Microbiology 编委,客座主编和中文核心期刊青年编委等。申请专利9项,获批软件著作权2项。在日本留学工 作期间入选日本学术振兴会 (JSPS)特别研究员(No. 26-8245)JSPS外国人特别研究员人才称号(No. P17052),曾任日本国立大学助理教授,回国后入选中科院百人计划、湖北省百人计划和国家生态环境保护专业技术青年拔尖人才,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,科技部水专项子课题,中科院特色所项目,百人计划择优支持项目及中科院知识创新工程青年人才项目等。近年来受邀参加国际学术报告 20 余次,两次获得国际学术会议最佳报告奖和最佳海报奖。



研究内容主要包括:水环境碳氮循环机理研究,水和废水处理, 污水生物脱氮,水产养殖尾水处理与资源化,温室气体减排,污泥处理处置与资源化。


1. Kang Song,Yeerken Senbati,Lu Li,Xiaoli Zhao*,Yunpeng Xue, Min Deng*.Distinctive microbial processes and controlling factors related to indirect N2Oemission from agricultural and urban rivers in Taihu watershed. Environmental Science & Technology. (2022)

2. Min Deng,Zhili  Dai,Kang  Song*, Yuren Wang,  Xugang  He.Integrating microbial protein production  and harvest  systems  into pilot-scale recirculating aquaculture systems for sustainable resource recovery: Linking nitrogen recovery to microbial communities.Environmental Science&  Technology.55:16735–16746(2021)

3.Xuran Liu,Mingting Du,Qi Lu,Dandan He,Kang Song*, Qi Yang,Abing Duan, Dongbo Wang*.How Does Chitosan Affect  Methane Production from the Anaerobic Digestion of Sewage Sludge? Environmental Science & Technology.55:23,15843– 15852(2021)

4.Lu Li, Yanjiao He, Kang Song*,Fazhi Xie,Huixian Li, Fuhong Sun.Derivation of water quality criteria of Zinc to protect aquatic life in  Taihu  lake  and the associated risk assessment.Journal of Environmental Management.296:113175-(2021).

5. Kang Song,Zhouyang Li,Xu Zhou,Guojun Xie,Lu Li,  Shengyan Pu.Improving Methane Production from Algal Sludge Anaerobic Fermentation by Peroxydisulfate (PDS)  pretreatment.Science of the Total  Environment.794:148710- (2021).

6. Lu Li,Fuhong Sun,Qun Liu,Xiaoli Zhao,Kang Song*. Development of regional water quality criteria of Lead  for protecting aquatic organism in Taihu Lake.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.222:112479-(2021).

7. Yiwen Zhou, Xiaoguang Xu, Kang Song*, Senbati Yeerken,Min Deng,Lu Li,Shohei  Riya, Qilin Wang,Akihiko   Terada.Nonlinear pattern and algal dual-impact in N2O  emission with increasing trophic levels in shallow  lakes. Water Research.203:117489- (2021).

8. Dandan He,Jun Xiao,Dongbo Wang*,Xuran Liu,Qizi Fu, Yifu Li,Mingting Du,Qi Yang,Yiwen Liu,Qilin Wang,Bing-Jie Ni, Kang Song*,Zhe Cai,Jun Ye, Haitao Yu. Digestion  Liquid  Based Alkaline  Pretreatment of Waste Activated Sludge Promotes Methane Production from Anaerobic Digestion. Water Research.199:117198,1-9(2021).

9. Min Deng,Xiaoli Zhao,Yeerken Senbati,Kang Song*, Xugang He.Nitrogen removal by heterotrophic nitrifying   and aerobic denitrifying bacterium Pseudomonas sp. DM02:  removal performance, mechanism and immobilized application for real aquaculture wastewater treatment.Bioresource Technology. 322: 124555–,(2021)(Grant no. 2019FBZ03)

10.Qilin Wang*,Jing Sun,Sitong Liu,Li Gao,Xu Zhou, Dongbo Wang,Kang Song*,Long D.Nghiem.Free ammonia  pretreatment improves anaerobic methane generation from algae.Water Research.162: 269–275 (2019).

11.Fazhi Xie,Lu Li,Kang Song*,Guolian Li,Fengchang Wu, John P.Giesy.Characterization of phosphorus forms in a Eutrophic Lake,China.Science of the Total Environment. 659: 1437–1447 (2019

12. Kang Song,Xu Zhou,Yiqi Liu,Guo-Jun Xie,Dongbo Wang, Tingting Zhang,Chunshuang Liu,Peng Liu,Beibei Zhou,Qilin Wang.Improving dewaterability of anaerobically digested sludge by combined conditioning with persulfate and  zero-valent iron.Chemical Engineering Journal.295: 436–442 (2016).

