时间:2020-12-04 作者: 浏览:1252

1) Sun Fukang, Yu, Junqi. Indoor intelligent lighting control method based on distributed multi-agent framework[J]. Optik, 2020: 164816. (SCI)

2) Zhang Rui, Yang, YalongFang, QianSheng, et al. Effect of Indoors Artificial Lighting Conditions on Computer-Based Learning Performance[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(7): 2537.SCI

3) Zhang, Xueyong  Hu, YuanyuanGeng, Shengyuan, et al. Research on Noise Reduction Scheme of Heat Pump Unit in a Square[J]. Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 2020. (SCI)

4) Sun, FukangXie, JianxiaFang, QianShengSun F, Xie J, Fang Q, et al. Recognition algorithm for light intensity variation of LED lamps using neural network with statistics characteristics[J]. Optik, 2020, 200: 163362. (SCI)

5) Fang, QianShengZhang, JiXinXie, ChenLei, et al. Detection of multiple leakage points in water distribution networks based on convolutional neural networks[J]. Water Supply, 2019, 19(8): 2231-2239. (SCI)

6) Jiang, HaoLuo, WenjianZhang, Zhenya. A privacy-preserving aggregation scheme based on immunological negative surveys for smart meters[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2019, 85: 105821. (SCI)

7) Zhai, XuesongDong, YanWang, Shengfen, et al. Exploring eye-tracking analyses of EFL learners’ cognitive processing of reduced relative clause[J]. Cluster Computing, 2019, 22(6): 14181-14192. (SCI)

8) Sun, FukangZhuo, XinxinFang, Qiansheng, et al. Experimental study of light intensity variation of LED lamp with flicker and statistical characteristics[J]. Optik, 2019, 193: 163023. (SCI)

9) Wu, ZhengtianZhang, YangHuan, Zhijie. Solving Post-Buckling Characteristic of Thermal-Resistance Films Attached to Glass Fa?ade via an Optimization Method[J]. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2019, 19(06): 1950068. (SCI)

10) Wu, Zhengtian Zhang, YangMa, Weicheng. Computing Buckling Characteristics of Double-Layered Graphene Film Embedded in an Elastic Foundation[J]. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2019, 19(06): 1950065. (SCI)

11) Sun, FukangYu, JunqiJiao, Sen. Fault diagnosis algorithm for LED lamp driven by segmented linear solution in indoor environment via illumination waveform fluctuation similarity calculation[J]. Optik, 2019, 189: 32-41. (SCI)

12) Ma, JinweiZhao, QiangSu, Yuehong, et al. The thermal behavior of a dual-function solar collector integrated with building: An experimental and numerical study on the air heating mode[J]. Energies, 2018, 11(9): 2402. (SCI)

13) Sun, FukangYu, Junqi. Fault detection and diagnosis algorithms for HV-LED lamp driven by segmented linear solution using first-order difference calculation and peak-detection methods[J]. Optik, 2018, 172: 225-233. (SCI)

14) Zhai, Xuesong Dong, YanYuan,Jing. Investigating learners’ technology engagement-a perspective from ubiquitous game-based learning in smart campus[J]. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 10279-10287. (SCI)